

Greetings of Peace (al salamu ‘alaykum) dear Friends,


I pray you are managing as well as can be expected in these challenging times. I know it is incredibly hard as we continue to see so many heartbreaking images on social media and read the news headlines about the state of the world. At the same time, I am so inspired and encouraged by the many acts of bravery among our students and fellow humanists who so bravely stand up against injustice.


Here, we have been working hard every week to make a difference amidst the darkness, and to remind ourselves that every act of goodness matters. In the Book of Illuminations halaqa from this past week, we were reminded that every human being is extremely valuable and that very person can make a big difference.


Last week, Shayan Parsai gave a powerful khutbah that walked us through lessons from Surah Al Ahqaf and the importance of building right foundations. Look for the transcript in next week’s email. In this email, you will find links to the transcripts from the two preceding khutbahs (below) by Dr. Abou El Fadl and Cherif Abou El Fadl, both presenting extremely moving and insightful testimonies on what we have been witnessing with the student protests around the country. Lastly, let me call your attention to the wonderful piece by Wietske Merison (link below) on “Peacock: celebrating narcissism,” from her Substack “A Gift From the Heavens,” which offers truth and comfort in these difficult times.


Next week, insha’Allah (God willing), I am hoping to share some very exciting news. Here is a hint. What is missing from this picture?



I hope to answer that question in next week’s email. :) Stay tuned!


May God empower each of us to fight the good fight in every small and big way we can, and to continue building our confidence and foundations with empowering knowledge.


**Looking forward to today’s khutbah with Cherif Abou El Fadl at 1:45 pm ET! See you online insha’Allah!**


From everyone at Usuli, our profound gratitude to you for your continued support of our work. Please help us continue doing what we do with a tax-deductible donation. A monthly donation helps us the most! May God exponentially multiply your blessings! We look forward to seeing you online soon insha’Allah!


In Peace and Hope,



The Movement to Reinvigorate Beautiful and Ethical Islam has begun.  Join us.

Your donation to The Institute for Advanced Usuli Studies will help fund important work to combat extremism and ignorance. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity dedicated to research and education to promote humanistically beautiful and morally elevating interpretations of Islam. We seek to support our brightest minds to advance knowledge and to build a community of individuals founded on dignity, respect and love for all of God's creation. See The Usuli Institute Credo for our statement of values. Please give generously to support a beautiful, reasonable and vibrantly human Islam for future generations to come. All donations are tax-deductible and zakat eligible.


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