Usuli Weekly Newsletter · 29. January 2025
Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace (al salamu ‘alaykum)! I pray you are healthy and well despite the turbulence and life-altering changes taking place in our current moment everywhere. It is a difficult and uncertain time for so many in the world with so many challenges yet to come. Here in America, it feels like in some ways, we are returning to the wild, wild West, where there is a lot of chaos and danger, but also opportunity. It is clear to me that now is the time to find our strength,...
Qaradawi's Son: Conspiracy Against the Qur'an
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 10. January 2025
The Qur'an is truly a madrassa (school). Like all schools, however, regardless of how well-organized or well-staffed it is, the quality of students varies significantly. If the student is not willing to apply himself or herself, if the student is unwilling to take in the instruction, then regardless of the quality of the school, the product will be deficient and defective. I am stating the obvious, of course, but it is often the obvious that eludes and escapes us. If you entrust the most...

Killing God in Muslim Lands
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 27. December 2024
The unthought in the Islamic tradition is an enormous category. It is a category of so much guidance, so many kernels of truth, and so many seeds of the goodness, virtue, and righteousness that God embedded in the Qur'an and the Prophet embedded in his Sunna. For all practical purposes, however, Islamic thought has for centuries ceased to develop, and so much of our tradition remains unexplored and undeveloped. Take Surah Ar-Rahman (Q 55) in the Qur'an: The Most Compassionate has imparted this...
Usuli Weekly Newsletter · 21. December 2024
Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace (al salamu ‘alaykum)! I pray you are well. It is hard to believe we are at the end of yet another year. So much has happened in the blink of an eye that was 2024. The world is, well, you know. May next year be better than we expect, insha’Allah (God willing)! In the meantime, let us continue to be grateful for our blessings, and resolve to do better in every way we can in the new year insha’Allah. USULI MUSIC FELLOWSHIP Do you know any aspiring and...

Seeing with Truth: Lessons from Syria
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 20. December 2024
In so many khutbahs, I emphasize what is, in my view, a critical theme. We all know, or should know, that God has created us as trustees on this earth. God has literally made us khulafa’, which is the plural of “caliph,” and the obligation that God has given us, as caliphs or trustees, is that we worship God. That is our affirmative command. That is our duty, our function, and our purpose. God has also taught us that this charge of the caliphate (khilafah) and the obligation of worship...
Finding Power in Disempowerment
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 06. December 2024
God tells us in His revealed Book that Muslims have a job. God gives us a charge, or marching orders, so to speak. The task that Muslims are given is to bear witness for God. As we have said before, the Qur'an interplays the roles of bearing witness for God for the sake of justice and bearing witness for justice for the sake of God (Q 4:135; 5:8). The message could not possibly be any clearer that God and justice are interchangeable. It is clear from both the text of the Qur'an and from the...

Usuli Weekly Newsletter · 23. November 2024
Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace (al salamu ‘alaykum)! I pray you are as well as can be expected in our challenging times, especially after the conclusion of our national elections here in America. So much to be said, to be processed, to be kind to ourselves over. But the hard work must continue to resist, to fight, and to create goodness in the world. Now more than ever, as the forces of darkness have been super-powered, so must we be in preparing for the long, good fight. May God help,...
The Honored Role of the Witness
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 22. November 2024
The constant, ongoing challenge for every Muslim is that we are a people of the Book, with all that this statement connotes. Like all of God's creation, whether knowingly or unknowingly, we submit to God. God's will and God's power is something that the mountains, the stars, the planets, and the earth partakes in. By the very laws of creation, all is in a state of submission to the Lord. Yet human beings have been given the choice and the ability to either recognize this submission and to...

Modeling the Love of the Prophet
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 08. November 2024
All of us, as created human beings, have been given a monumental charge. It is the remarkable, sanctified, honored, and yet challenging charge of being God’s representatives on this earth (khulafa’ fi-l-ard). It is stating the ABCs of Islamic theology to remind ourselves that this earth and everything in it, on it, and around it, both the seen and the unseen, belongs to God. It is not yours, nor is it mine. It does not belong to a nation or a people. It does not belong to a clan or a kind....
Vote: The Inability to Address Genocide
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) · 01. November 2024
When do movements, governments, laws have the most meaning and impact? The modern mind may still appreciate a strong leader and perhaps some level of cultural trajectory to some degree, but the modern psyche does not appreciate the feeling of being dictated to. The moment the modern human being feels the pressure of what it senses is aggressive imposition, especially from laws and government, the need to resist and rebel—emphasis on rebel—swells rapidly from within. Does this rebellion mean...

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