This week, the Usuli Institute was blessed with beautiful people visiting it.These truly, distinctly beautiful human beings that have honored Usuli with their visit has allowed me to dream that Usuli's voice will live on. The Usuli Institute should be a home for people who care; for intelligent people, for inquisitive people, for rational people, for reasonable people, for people who understand that Islam is about living beyond yourself and for others than yourself. It is for people who...
The issues of representation and self-perception are always present in the affairs of Muslims. Islam is a living religion. Islam is not about idols, artifacts or dead symbolisms. Islam is about a living God that lives with us and that accompanies us in all our affairs, that is ever present with us. The minute that we forget that God is with us in everything, we in fact forget the core message of Islam. We forget the imperative of Godliness and what God and Islam are. In my late childhood, among...