Embedded within my conscience, and what should be embedded in the conscience of every Muslim who takes his or her religion seriously, is God's refrain in Surah Al Imran: “...and that there might grow out of you a community [of people] who invite unto all that is good, and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong: and it is they, they who shall attain to a happy state!” (Q 3:104). This is further underscored in the same surah: “You are indeed the best...
Recently, I had an opportunity to watch a documentary that focused on characters such as Jeffrey Epstein and Robert Maxwell. Both individuals are rather infamous at this point. Of course, Robert Maxwell is the British media tycoon who died under mysterious circumstances. He is also the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, the woman who allegedly aided and conspired with Jeffrey Epstein to procure underage women, in what amounted to a rather extensive sex trafficking operation. But what struck me in...