Dr. Abou El Fadl reminds us that Muslims have been entrusted with a powerful and weighty word, one of the most repeated words in the Quran, Haqq. ‘Al Haqq’ yields the meaning of truth, rights, duties, belief (imaan), and justice all wrapped up in a singular word. It does not just describe a reality, it is an aspirational term. Allah repeatedly reminds that He created a nation that pursues al Haqq and the reality of justice; we must not make excuses to water down al Haqq, or intuitively know...
Dr. Abou El Fadl begins with a reminder that we remain committed to the truth that everything is from Allah, and everything will return to Allah. One of the central narratives of the Quran, that many Muslims learn and often repeat, is Ayat Al Kursi (Chapter 2, Verse 255). It is a monumental reminder of the truth of our existence and our relationship to our Maker. The wisest of Muslims are the ones who reflect even just on this verse, for the amazing amount of insight it yields into our Maker...
Dr. Abou El Fadl reminds that Allah has given us the Shari’ah, a path, a guidance, like a map. So, follow it and do not follow the whims of those who do not know. If you enter into a relationship with the Divine, you will feel the Divine and the Divine will guide you. The unjust are supported by the unjust. The nature of injustice is like an infection. It starts small but grows and extends, and when supported, results in further injustice. It is not just a theological principle; it is a...