Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace! I pray you are well and savoring the last moments of 2022. This week I received an email from a dear friend and supporter, which I share in part here: "...I wanted to reach out because we had an event with one of our local imams yesterday. It was a sisters only event that was advertised as being about how to balance all the realities of life (career, family, etc) with our spirituality. Instead, it was only about the role of women in the household, about how the...
Embedded within my conscience, and what should be embedded in the conscience of every Muslim who takes his or her religion seriously, is God's refrain in Surah Al Imran: “...and that there might grow out of you a community [of people] who invite unto all that is good, and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong: and it is they, they who shall attain to a happy state!” (Q 3:104). This is further underscored in the same surah: “You are indeed the best...
Reflecting on the du‘a’s of the Prophet allows us to see how profound and remarkably tender, humane, and modest these supplications were. One of the Prophet’s supplications is so straightforward, but it says so much. God, grant us certitude in iman, certitude in who You are, and in what You want from us. Certitude about our faith in You, our faith in Your faith, and in the message of Islam, the power of Islam, and the instrumentality of Islam in delivering and embodying light unto...
In Part 1, Director Grace Song discusses her most powerful role model for a Muslim woman, her mother-in-law Afaf El-Nimr. She also talks about the oppression facing the Uyghur Muslims in China. Dr. Abou El Fadl further elaborates on the crises in China, Burma, the Middle East and around the world as a product of Islamophobia and the burden upon Muslims to invest in combatting Islamophobia.