Dear Friends, Al salamu 'alaykum (greetings of peace) and happy 18th day of Ramadan! I pray you are well and gearing up for the last ten days of Ramadan! Wow! Where did the time go?? Alhamdulillah (thank God), I am still in California recovering from Covid along with my parents. I am truly grateful to everyone who sent beautiful prayers and well-wishes. I am understanding more each day why God planned for me to be here, and despite all of the challenges, there have also been tremendous...
Greeting of Peace dear Friends! I pray you are well! Let's start with a riddle: "My sibling is one year older than me. We both look like we come from the same family, although our coloring is not quite the same. When we were born, respectively, I had over 91,000 and my sibling had over 70,000. My sibling likes to welcome people at the door. I like to take them deeper into the House. My sibling has traveled to 54 countries. I hope to start traveling soon. WHAT ARE WE?" HINT: Our favorite joke...
Al salamu alaykum dear Friends, Happy November (Really??)!! I pray you are well and that the remaining days of this year are full of light and beauty for you and your family! Have you read The Prophet's Pulpit: Commentaries on the State of Islam yet? :) I am so grateful to our generous donor who has made it possible for us to send GIFT copies of The Prophet's Pulpit literally anywhere in the world! May God elevate and multiply his rewards! This book is magical and the response has been...
Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace! In my introduction to the last halaqa (Surah 9: Al Tawbah, Day 5), I shared part of a "Notes to Self" journal that I created for myself back in 2006. It was amazing to have recently come upon this journal again, which appeared amidst the (never-ending!) unpacking of boxes of papers and archives from our move from California to Ohio! At the time I created the journal back in 2006, I had been a Muslim for twelve years. It sounds like a long time, but from my...