As many of you may know, the body that was created after World War II, the United Nations, was an extension of earlier plans for global governance, such as the ill-fated League of Nations. The Industrial Revolution enabled a select number of nations to colonize the globe. In an attempt to avoid disastrous conflicts between these imperial powers, the idea of world governance through a body in which nations could talk out their plans, their aspirations, and their differences emerged and became a...
Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl begins by reminding us of the meaning, import and implications of the "straight path," al-siratal mustaqim, the phrase that Muslims recite more than any other as they recite the first chapter of the Quran, al-Fatiha, in every prayer and with a multitude of occasions. Despite reciting it frequently, Muslims infrequently reflect upon the depths of meaning the phrase contains. In seeking the divine path of justice, beauty, compassion and mercy, human beings have been given...